Passion through TEACUPs: binding old with new …

All of the teacups I collect also must represent nature through floral designs, forestry, or birds. These come with the mix of soy/coconut wax due to the fact it allows a slow burn. I created a bond with my AVO as a child in my travels to Portugal every other summer and would spend my … Continue reading Passion through TEACUPs: binding old with new …

Banishing oils created through intuition….

My book of SHADOWS When I decide to manifest any of my rituals tools it is always on a day that my spirits are dancing and shining. Being a part of the natural world you become more connected to your energies and its vibrations. You are able to create, clear thoughts and be within. I … Continue reading Banishing oils created through intuition….

Introduction to Folklore: witchcraft

What is witchcraft, besides the obvious thought that generally enters many… worshipping the devil which I can never understand why this reaction when The Devil is the darkness entity or negative energy it is all around us, some will choice to honour this part of their journey and others will not. That being said it … Continue reading Introduction to Folklore: witchcraft

Gratitude in creating Smoke-Bundles: Healing process

I began my journey cleansing space during my late 20’s when I was feeling hopeless in people. This came at a time that I had ended my 10-year relationship and a two year relationship. I had never experienced violence in a relationship until I dated Joe Silva who was the first individual to be of … Continue reading Gratitude in creating Smoke-Bundles: Healing process

Witches Kits: Spiritual Self-Care

My spiritual creations through all of my learnings Hello my Fairies: I started creating this spiritual journey through my deep roots to my home land Portugal. In Portugal the history of witches trials is limited in that there was barely any but that is not the case. Portugal’s witch hunts were conducted quietly and only … Continue reading Witches Kits: Spiritual Self-Care